Saturday, December 25, 2010



I'm going back to my hometown this long holiday, so I won't be posting any new blog maybe for quite a time..
but still,keep checking back to see new news here..:)

love ya all.. xoxoxoxo

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Rescuing Dry Hair

Every girl dream is to have beautiful silky long hair like this :

and this :

but I think most of us have the same problem, 
we have FRIZZY HAIR!!!
(that's why you open this article right?)

Well, do you know that dry hair is not only just dry hair??
it's divided into 2, the 1st one is dry scalp + dry hair,
and the other one is oily scalp + dry hair.
I'm and the oily scalp + dry hair person..
who's the same as me??raise ur hand!! LOL (being kind of loony because of my bad hair)

Being the double dry one is easier to cure than the oily yet dry one like me..

for the double dry hair ( I mean dry scalp + dry hair), SHAMPOO LESS..
instead use small amount of conditioner on the end of your hair. you'll see the changes in few days.
( I haven't try this because I'm not "double dry" type)

what i mean is shampoo once every 2 to 3 days, but use conditioner on hair end every day..
and use shampoo that is specially made for dry hair 

now for you who is the same like me who has oily scalp but dry and frizzy hair,

maybe I should explain a bit about this type. Your hair is dry and frizzy but if you doesn't wash your hair for only one day, your scalp will be oily. This is really a nuisance! I have to wash my hair everyday so that my scalp won't be oily but if I wash it everyday, my hair will become drier and drier (NOOOO!!!!).

So how?

Well, we still have to wash it everyday but use conditioner everyday too!
My hair stylist told me to use hair mask as the conditioner ( that was when my hair was really really frizzy) and Wa la, IT WORKS!!

But now, I'm just using normal hair conditioner for dry hair.
When your hair turn better after a period time of using hair mask as the conditioner, change back into normal hair conditioner, or it will become too oily.

after your hair get better, use hair mask as deep conditioning once a week. That will be enough.

After those Shampooing thing, it's the COLORING issue.
Coloring your hair make your hair dryer! IT'S A FACT! DON'T DENY IT!
But if u really have to color your hair, use an ammonia-free product that contains moisturizers. It will not only pump up your color, it'll fatten the hair shaft and impart some great shine!

And another thing to remember is avoid blow-drying your hair. Blow drying increases dryness. But if you must, hold your hair dryer from above, don't face it horizontaly to your head and it should be about 4 inches far from your hair. I let my hair dry naturally and only use hair dryer if I'm getting late.

Try lot and lot of different shampoo yourself to find out which brand suit u the best. Don't just follow what ur friend said is the best shampoo for hair ( it may be the best for her hair but maybe not for yours).

I use DOVE HAIRTHERAPY SHAMPOO for dry, rough, frizzy hair w/ Advanced Moisturizing Serum. And also their conditioner.

I've tried tons of different brands of shampoo before and at last stuck with DOVE. I'm in love with DOVE. Have been using it for years now.

For me, conditioning is the key..:)
hope that you or whoever out there will have beautiful healthy hair after following those tips up there.

Good Luck.. <3

p/s : conditioner is NOT for your scalp, only use it for hair under your ear. It's the same for hair mask.

p/p/s : I'm still looking for the best leave-on serum for dry hair. Let me know which hair serum is the best..:)

2011 Runway Nail Color Trend

this is the blog I promised before..
before I give out which colors are the trend for 2011 runway, I'd make a list of nail colors I'm going to get for 2011.

They are: Navy Blue, GRAY! , Light Blue, Candy Green.

I was wondering why I never thought bout gray on my nails before.. :D

OK now, those are the colors I'd like to have this year. But for the real TREND in 2011 will be


clear blue
~mysterious yet open~

baby pink
~the classic pink is always a trend~

my fav! candy green!

shocking orange
~passion and powerful~

Wear those vibrant colors and show out your personality! Match nail colors with your outfit and let ur nail be one of the fashion object on your beautiful body!

Next is the color GRAY! I've told you it'd be the trend!

Get your new GRAY NAIL COLOR now!
And metallic colors like silver and gold are also a fav in hollywood stars.

metallic colors look great both in black n white..:)

FInally, Red and nude nails are also very popular on runway..
and for those who doesn't dare to use vibrant color, you can start with nude colors like soft pink or coral white.

Pick out your favorite color and have fun with your nails!!
Good Luck.. <3

Monday, December 20, 2010

nail polish addict

Recently I've been quite addicted to nail polish. and I started to experiment with different color of nail polish.
I'm using the face shop nail polish (the price is ok and easy to find here).

I'm not using the color in the picture, I'm using chili red now, and it turn out really nice on fair skin, it'll will make ur skin look whiter. but if ur black,DON'T use RED. It'll make ur hand look dirty. But u can try neon color if ur black, the color will really pop out and look really nice (neon color will be a trend in 2011).
btw, navy blue and neon pink from thefaceshop is also good color.

One of my friend is a real OPI fan and she uses a lot of OPI nail polish, the color is also really nice but it's too pricey for me, furthermore, "thefaceshop" works just fine with me.
And someone told me that cheap nail polish actually last longer, but when u try to clean it away,it'll be a mess! Believe me!
If u want ur nail color to last longer,just give it a top coat, it'll be shinier and it'll last longer.and it wouldn't be a mess when u're cleaning it.

In my case, I use REVLON professional DOUBLE TWIST instant Base & Top Coat.

actually this top coat is not too superb, I'll say that it's normal. I'll give it 7 out of 10. It was the easiest that I could find back there in my hometown. The brush was too thin,it doesn't spread, personally i like thicker brushes for nail polish, it give smoother finish than thin brushes.

Tell me which nail polish brand that u like. And I'll try to do review for it.
thank you for reading..
vivian <3

p/s : next blog will be the 2011 nail color trend on runway.
keep coming back to see it..:)

Sunday, December 19, 2010


I suddenly had a thought of wedding today. Not about my wedding, but all those about wedding. I've always like wedding (ever thought of becoming a wedding planner or sth). And I think it would be fun if I blog about weddings..

Maybe I should get a job in a bridal shop, then I will have a lot to blog about..
wonder if I should..?

Monday, December 13, 2010

blogging while studying

I should be studying rite now,yet I'm still blogging.. *cheeky smile*
I got a management test tomorrow!My lecturer is like SH*T!! "textbook style"! OMG!!
textbook style means he wants all the answer exactly the same like the textbook!! WTF
how can I memorize all of that??
one whole term leh! bloody 10++ chapter!! textbook that THICK and HUGE! *gasping for air*
dun noe how am I goin to take the test tomorow.. SIGH
Erm.. wondering if I'm goin to make "amulet" or not.. *evil smile*
what I mean from "amulet" is small note..
(mind busily calculating the risk)

drum roll ~~~~~~~

let see how well can I study first la..
cheating doesn't give me the safe feeling..

hope that I can do OK la tomorrow, OK is find for me aredy..

Sunday, December 12, 2010

new oil burner

well,jim gave me some therapy oil and a burner (which come with the oil, it's a free thingy la)..
and free thing is really not good..

it's leaks!!OMG! (btw,sorry for my blurry cam)

the black is because of the burning candle..

can u see the yellowish thing on the candle??
that's the oil leaking from bottom of the oil holder place..

so I was at the mall,wanted to buy some bread at the mart. Then I saw a handycraft bazaar (it was like Bali theme) and one of the stand sell burner and therapeutic oil in mad cheap price lor..
I got this new burner for only IDR 25000! Mad cheap right??

even though it's doesn't look too good but I think it's decent la..LOL
how much u pay is how much u get mah..hehe

Oh ya! they also sell handmade accesories out of beads and woods but I suggest u guys to buy it directly at bali,it's quite pricy compare to the one u get if u buy it at Bali.
I know u don't go to Bali everyday, but wait until u go there lo..
can be a "real" souvenir from Bali mah..

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Studying for monday test

why must test exist??? whatmore End Of Term test!!
so stress,must study every minute and every second..
If only I got Einstein's brain.. (daydreaming start....)

got accounting test for this monday,hope I can do it well..

wanna post some makeup blog,but got no good cam to shoot it.
who want to sponsor me one??LOL (joking..)

sad day for me

actually,not just a day,but recently it has been real suck for me. Overslept yesterday and didn't join an EOT test!!!wtf! And can't get a re-test!! Really stressed yesterday *sob sob*

then had a fight with jim (my bf), and we haven't speak for a day! D:
he didn't even text me today! (btw, we're on LDR now, in case u dun noe, LDR means Long Distance Relationship)

going to watch glee now. Actually,wat is glee story ha? can anyone tell me? I'm just starting to watch it.